It has long been committed to optimizing the coal supply chain and providing comprehensive solutions to upstrea
m and downstream partners to meet their individual nee
The sales area takes the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River as the core market, radiating across the cou
ntry, with resources mainly in Shaanxi and Xinjiang, and a
ctively exploring imports and other regional resources.
The company's customers cover the chemical industry, ele
ctric power, steel, papermaking, building materials and ot
her industries, and it maintains long-term cooperative rel
ationships with leading enterprises such as Sinopec, Nati
onal Energy, China Shenhua, China National Building Mat
erials, Baowu Group, Shaanxi Coal, Conch Cement, Nine D
ragons Paper and other leading companies. The annual s
ales volume exceeds 2 million tons and the annual sale
s volume is nearly 3 billion yuan.
In 2021, we begin to expand the special chemicals market, involving fine chemicals such as medicine, food, cosmetics, and packaging. Currently, we ope
rate EVOH (ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymer), food
-grade sulfur, and expand products such as PVC dis
persants, carboxyl-modified polyvinyl alcohol, matt films, polyols, and special chemical additives, and h
ave established good cooperation relationship with domestic and foreign fine chemical companies.